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Provider schedule problems

Problem:  I am trying to schedule a doctor and not able to schedule her in her time slots and am getting scheduling showing when she doesn't want it.

Solution:  If you have multiple start and end dates on her Provider card, make sure that are not overlapping. If so,  delete them and set them up again, but now connecting with each (9/1 - 9/5, 9/6-9/7,9/8-12/31/2014).

See also
Add or change a room
Add a new patient
Block time
Cancellation Report
Capitalization vs noncaps
Commas for patient name
Delete provider from scheduler
Delete time slot
Exclusive reason
Grayed out scheduler
Getting provider error
Identical names
Missed Appointment Report
Print labels
Report of patient’s appointment history
Special event reminder
Super bill problem
Tally of patient visits
Treatment plan
Verification Report