Problem: how do I add a digital signature to the EMR report?
Solution: You can setup separate logins for each doctor and, in fact, this is preferred. Click the Report Template Options button and create a new template by copying the existing template, save it and exit. Then, login individually and Select Report Template and double-click on the appropriate template.
There are several other ways to produce an electronic signature within your EMR:
1) Lock the EMR by clicking the lock icon to the right of the Edit Encounter button, when you have an EMR open. This will lock the record with your password that you use to login to the software. All changes to the record will be recorded and it will not be able to be deleted. You will see a message in the report similar to: “Created and Signed By: Administrator”
2) Edit the EMR by clicking Edit the EMR.
a. Edit Encounters by clicking Edit to the right of Encounters
b. Click the pencil icon at the top right and by clicking on each item on the page and using your arrow key, move them over to the left to make room for another column.
c. Drag “Category” from the top of your screen down to the new space just created on the page. Select “Exclusive Option” and type “Digital Signature” as the label for this control.
d. Drag “Launch” down under “Digital Signature” you just created (you may need to use your arrow keys to position it properly. As the label, type “Select Doctor”. Select “Digital Signature” as the category.
e. Save and Exit. In your EMR Editor list, you should see Select Doctor. Select it and click the last arrow button on the bottom right, to bring Select Doctor to the bottom of the list.
f. Click the edit button to the right of Select Doctor.
g. Drag “Category” from the top of your screen down to the page. Select “Exclusive Option” and type “Digital Signature” as the label for this control.
h. Drag “Heading” down to the same position as the Category you just created. Select “Digital Signature” as the category. Enter “Digital Signature” as the label.
i. Drag “Option” and position it below your Heading. Select “Digital Signature” as the category and enter your name (as you would like to see it on the report) as the label (repeat for any other doctors in the clinic).
j. Click “Save Positions” and then click the red “X” at the top right of your screen to close the menu. Click the Book icon and click the blue heading. Replace the text with whatever you want to show there (e.g. “This report has been digitally signed by:”). Click Save and Exit. Click Save on the right of your EMR page.
k. Create New Encounter and test.
3. The other way is to add a line or image of your signature to your report template. Click on Report Template Options at the top left of your screen.