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EMR Certification

Question: Is EMR certified for "meaningful use"?

Answer:  Not by itself, but through RxNT. 
More Info: Marilyn Gard is considering private certification of the EMR product –in response to great dissatisfaction ClinicPro customers are experiencing with RxNT.  (It’s through RxNT that certification is currently achieved.)  RxNT purportedly has increased customer fees to $600 and is asking for additional payment for training.

We have a software tool for uploading patient information to RxNT but that tool is currently being modified to work correctly with RxNT’s new API (i.e. advanced programming interface). These changes are nearly ready for testing. If Marilyn pursues obtaining her own certification, the process will not happen over-night and will require additional programming.

Before you jump on the RxNT bandwagon, you might want to watch the video that Marilyn prepared about certification. Unless you have a large Medicare practice, your return on investment is usually negative. 

Here is the

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