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Transaction icons

Problem:  Explanation of Transaction Icons

Solution: See below

 Next to the lines of transaction, you will see folders. If you click on the line of transaction, you will see that the folder opens.  This lets you know that you've activated that line of transaction. 

  You will also find folders now to the left of Transactions, these folders can have little green dollar signs that mean there is a balance on the account.
  If  the services  have been billed but not paid  yet, you will see a  money sign on the left and a red dot on the right.

 There is also a little red dot which means that the Transaction has been paid.
 This is an insurance payment.
 This is a  patient  payment.
  This is an insurance writeoff.
  This is a patient writeoff.
 This is a  transfer to insurance.

Hopefully this will help you to understand the state of transactions, and where these transactions are in the billing process.

See also
Screen explanation
Acute manifestation date
A facility is not defined for POS
Automatic Notes
Cash refund
Changing a patient number
Colors on transaction cards
Cleaning up Insurance Credits
Correct date of transactions
Credit card entry
Database Utilities
Error posting payment
Handling bounced checks
Inactive patient
Inactive provider
Initial Balance
Insurance Refund
Insurance Refund/ Transaction
Interest charge
Insurance interest payment
Inventory tracking
Late or delinquency fee
Maximum amount reached
NDC Code
New patient trigger
Patient/Insurance split
Patient refund
Patient visit totals
Procedure hot key
Purge/archive transactions
Receipt error
Receipt for previous date
Repeat function
Reprint a Receipt
Transfer credit
Upgrading a person from a non-patient to patient