Question: How do I setup electronic billing for BCBS (EDI)?
Answer: While setting up the connection information in any of these products you will need the following:
• IP address of the BCBSM - EDDI - SFTP site:
• Protocol or Port number: SFTP or Port 22 (SSH)
• Your EDDI Login ID: (c0xxx =Professional; f0xxx or s0xxx= Facility/Institutional)
• Your EDDI password: If your password does not work, call the EDI Helpdesk at 800-542-0945 to have it reset.
For more information: (I spoke with the EDI office on December 23, 2014 and was informed that the same credentials are used for an entire practice. That is to say that individual accounts/credentials for each person doing billing for a clinic, are not required. The same credentials are used by each person in a clinic.)