Home > Insurance Billing > Creating an 837 File

Creating an 837 File

Question:  How do I create an electronic billing file?   (837)


NOTE: If you have never done any electronic billing in ClinicPro before, Contact ClinicPro Support first before trying to create a billing file. Failure to contact us will result in unnecessary rejections, which will waste your time!

    1. Click on Activities, then Insurance Billing, then Do Billing.
    2. Click on 837 4010 and select the submitter that you are sending your claims to. (Required.)
      If you bill by billing doctor or carrier, you can select those as well. (Optional).
    3. Click OK.
    4. Print a billing detail report. To do this, click on Detail, then Send to Printer, then Print.
    5. Check the detail report for any invalid diagnosis codes, procedure codes, people going to the wrong insurance company, etc.
    6. Choose one of the following below:
      • If you find something incorrect, click on cancel, then quit, make your corrections, and start over at step 1.
      • OR b) If everything looks correct, click Process.
    7. Wait patiently while ClinicPro checks for errors. You will see a little box in the upper left-hand corner of the screen that will count up the number of claims.
    8. One of the two things will happen.

 You’ll either get:

 1. A little box that says “837 Completed Successfully.” This means you didn’t get any pre-processing errors, and a billing file was created. Click on Quit. OR

2.  A window that pops up that says 837 Errors. If,you get this screen, a billing file wasn’t created because ClinicPro found errors.
This screen will tell you the patient’s name, and the error description. You will want to do the following:

Click on Print Errors.

4.  Click Exit, then click on Quit.

5.   You will need to fix the errors that printed out on the 837 error log.   Look for error explanations HERE - Claim Scrubber Errors.

6.   Then start over at step 1. DO NOT click on Process with Errors unless one of the support staff tells you to. If you process with errors, more than likely, your entire billing file will reject.

See also
Claim scrubber errors
HCFA Billing
Medicare and Medicaid
Accept Assignment
Address change
Archived Insurance Carrier
Authorization Codes
BCBSM website/payer
Bill to an archived carrier
Claim adjustment reason codes
Claim lines not showing billed
Claim splitting
CLIA Numbers
Correction -- Status Inquiry
Deleting an insurance coverage
Diagnosis 1-12
Decoder tool
Do Billing
Date of injury for workers comp or auto
Dx codes not printing
Electronic billing
Facility not defined
Facility same as office
FEP - error source is invalid
ICD-9 and CPT codes
ICD 10
Invoice an attorney
Last Seen date
Missing primary diagnosis rejection
New provider/doctor
No transactions found to bill
Patients who have a specific insurance
Payer Lists
Rendering Provider
Referral Doctor Rejection
Rejection Z92
Replacement Claim
Retreive winSCP password
Retreive winSCP password
Routing code
Sending secondary claims electronically
Source of payment incorrect
Split Claims
Status Inquiry
Submitter not approved for electronic
Taxonomy Code
Timely Filing
Transfer date missing
Type of claim files
U277 error
X-ray date
Winscp transfer
Winscp folder doesn't exist
999 or 277 rejection