Rejection Z92
Problem: Priority Medicare 's rejection code = Z92, LCD/NCD: A secondary diagnosis code is missing or invalid.
Solution: With Clinic Pro's software we follow the following procedure steps:
1. On patients detail screen we enter the diagnosis codes. 1 - 8 what ever applies.
2. On transaction screen we enter the procedure - such as 98942.
a. Diagnosis box shows the codes for that date of service carrying over from the patient detail screen.
b. Dx area in the middle of the transaction screen you have boxes. Presently only 1 box while be checked, you have to manually
go and check the correct amount of boxes to match the above diagnosis box. For example, Diagnosis box has 6 codes then
you have to check 6 boxes in the Dx area.
1. Go into System, System Parameters, System Settings.
2. On the right side of the screen, check the box: Check all Diagnosis indicators by default